Saturday, March 16, 2013

II.   Review Of Related Literature

                When the marriage of a man and a woman happens because of an agreement other than the soon-to-be-husband-and-wife, then a fixed marriage arises. It happens first by introducing both the man and wife. This kind of marriage is still carried on by some people over the world (Seabastian, 2010).
                Specifically, Muslims everywhere in the world know that arranged marriage is one of their traditions and it is usual and expected. Nowadays, dating is commonly practiced by the people especially to those who live in the west side of the world. But, Muslims do not do such a thing. It is because they it is forbidden particularly to female Muslims. They see arranged marriage as a happy and a strong relationship. The love which has a seed and has been planted and it will continually grow until the marrying is done. Then, there is a strong hope that something will happen wonderfully. Before marrying, the parents or the elders need to check the aspects of choosing a potential spouse so that the soon-to-be-husband-and-wife will have a good relationship throughout their lives (Zuberi, 2011).
                Courtship is traditionally done since both have similar culture and might have the same family background. Some families introduce the potential spouses on the day of the marriage but others let the potential spouses to meet and introduce each other before the marriage. They let the potential spouses send each other some messages through text, email or even call each other through the telephone. Usually they go out with the family and friends. Through people like friends, imams, matchmakers or the family introduce both potential spouses for an arranged marriage. This kind of courtship may be termed as arranged courtship (Zuberi, 2011).
                According to Zuberi (2011), “Forced marriage, on the other hand, occurs when a man or woman is coerced by the family to marry, using threats, emotional blackmail, fraud, and even bribes. Arranged against the person’s will, without consent or consent under duress. That is not a marriage in Islam; it is oppression and abuse. Marriage is Islam requires ijab and a qubul (proposal and acceptance). Forcing a woman to marry a man means that there was no qubul, this is the right of a woman, regardless of her age.  Without it the marriage is a sham, like living in zinā.”
                Arranged marriages are practiced for a long time and it happen in some countries. Matchmaking is done in an arranged marriage. It is through the elders of the family, friends or even the priests or imams and might portray a big function in such situation. Arranged marriages quite work well but some do not because of some issues of the couple that they could not handle or they are just incompatible with each other. So in turn, the marriage is broke (Jones, 2012).
                There has been matchmaking for some marriages and it is a process of finding a person that is compatible for him or for her. Matchmakers do the matchmaking. These people are present in any country and they are very essential to those who believe in them. This job is very important to them. They make fortune out of it. Professional matchmakers like Indian Hindu Astrologers or the Ashkenazi Jewish Shadchan are some examples. They match people according to stars and the arrangement of the planets. Traditional matchmaking believe to these beliefs and it is very usual to those people who really believe in it.
                On the contrary, modern matchmaking occurred. Dating is now common and also through technology, people from different places can communicate and make a relationship through it. In Singapore, the Social Development Unit which is under the government gives services about matchmaking. People in Singapore engage this kind of service (Kaur, 2012).
                Statistics shows that this kind of marriage produces a happy and fruitful relationship unlike the love-based marriages. In United States and Canada, there are forty to fifty percent of couples that took on divorce while on the statistics of arranged marriages has 4 percent in the divorce rate. Cultures that take part of this kind of marriage is against divorce and so it is debatable. Yet India, has the lowest divorce rate in the world constituting 1.1 percent.
                The advantageous of arranged marriage is quite mysterious. Although families made possible of these relationships, beliefs made them more aware of having a happy life (Botha).
                First, there are no high hopes from the potential spouses. So if ever both are disappointed, they would not be very sad knew it beforehand.
                Second, if the potential spouse does have good family background, high educational attainment, and wealth then, the future of his/her partner is secured and as a result, the marriage would lead to success.
                Third, the decision made by the potential spouse which is approving the arranged marriage is greatly acknowledged by the parents or the elders. It means that the right choice has been chosen. Choosing a duty-bound partner for an individual creates a long lasting relationship towards the future.
                Lastly, there’s no energy and time wasted if an arranged marriage is introduced. The person could bypass wrong doings and decisions that are irresponsible if he or she would approve the arranged marriage (Kovrlija, 2013).
                If there are advantages, there are also disadvantages about this kind of marriage. One disadvantage is that the person cannot choose a partner of his or her own choice. It is a very important decision about choosing a lifelong partner and it will effect on the lives of two people if they would tie each other’s lives through marriage. It is more convenient and fun facing the challenges of life if there is this right partner that would share his or her life to the one he or she loves.
                The in-laws have a big part of the live of the couple. They might be demanding, they the right to say something, they have stand for some issues like raising the children and they know what kind of daughter or son-in-law they are encountering. Among the many problems resulting to the strife of marriage, interfering in-laws in one of the main problems.
                Selma (2012) claims that, “The tragedy caused by “Arranged Marriage” can be attributed to three factors: social system, family honor, and the inadequate concern about feelings.
                Social system takes the dominant factor that causes the tragedies in the arranged marriage. In the feudal society in ancient time, the general sense that people had is that they were not allowed to choose whom they would marry. They took it for granted that it was parents who had the right to pick up a martial partner for their children based on the common standards; if children rejected their parents’ decision, they would be treated as unfilial and should be heavily punished. As a result, the younger generation dared to challenge their parents’ authority.
In some cases, parents choose the marital partners for their children because they want to manage or empower the social status of the whole family. They will choose their future daughter/son-in-law from families with similar or higher level on the power, wealth, or reputation.”
                Akhmadeeva (2009) states that,” Inadequate concern about the feelings makes a marriage suffocating. In most of conservative countries around the world, women are a vulnerable group whose emotions and feelings fail to draw enough attention from their families and the whole society. Their world is confined within their family, and their opinions are always ignored by their family members. In their family and society, no one cares whether they love their husband, or whether their husband marries them because of love. They desire to love and be loved; unfortunately, they cannot feel that in their marriage. Much worse, there is no one for those unhappy ladies to express their depression and dissatisfaction to or share their problems with. Living in such a marriage, it is impossible for those ladies to understand and feel what are care, love, and respect from their husband. They live under the charge of their male family members, afraid to disobey their orders and wishes.”
                According to Andrews (2010),” No marriage, arranged or love, would be successful in the absence of love, trust and mutual understanding.”